Thursday, January 24, 2013

Abiding Influence

1 John 2:17
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

     The source of every river is a fountain head which disperses its waters to places it shall never see.  So is the Spirit-filled life for the believer.  It pays to serve Jesus, and we can be sure that the total sum of our influence shall never be seen or measured this side of Heaven.  All that is placed on the altar of the temporal is soon vanquished, yet he who lives for Christ has a continual influence.  Spiritual influence rolls forth like the mighty engrossing river which spans many lands.  Those who stumble upon it do so in gladness and dip down to drink from its reviving stream.  Long after the laboring saint has released his influence, teaching, love, or prayer, we may find the effect shall linger for a great duration.  We find one who is mentored becomes one who mentors, and so on down the generations serving Christ pays.  Now regard this law, and let this wonderful truth supremely resonate among your thoughts: service for Christ pays, then follows us to eternity and there it continues to pay forever.  Do not think it a small thing to cast aside worldly cares to serve Christ, but rather think it an eternal thing.  It pays to serve Jesus; it pays dear believer, every step, every day.