Thursday, January 31, 2013

Performance Anxiety

Proverbs 16:3
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

     In all of our life, let there be One who we seek to please the most, our Lord Jesus Christ. When He is first, others can have our best; and we can give a more excellent effort to Him who is worthy. Commit is our key word, only, be careful how you provision it in our text. It is not our deciding what God gets, but rather our surrendering to what God wants. Commitment is the action every saint is lovingly beckoned to take, so let us do so with joy.
     Now we look at the phrase "unto the Lord." Is there a realization in you that there is One greater than commitment itself?  There is the Person to whom we commit, and knowing Him is more vital than the act of commitment itself.  The place of trust and commitment is the Lord Jesus Christ. He sits waiting with an open heart to receive with joyfulness every saint who comes to Him with a surrendered heart.  
     Now what are we to commit unto Him?  Our works of love.   With this mindset your kingdom work becomes a blessing to you and not a curse.  While Christ has commanded us to serve until He comes, He has never asked us to produce things in which we have no control.  Sowing and watering is our job; increase is His.  To the toiling saint I say, keep your fellowship fresh and Christ will break spiritual manna and serve it in fellowship.  To the Bible teacher I say, study with diligence, pray yourself alive, and commit the works unto God.  Work with a surrendered heart the doing of a task, and commit the fruit of it to Him who judges righteously.  Press towards external results only because you are trusting they come because the Spirit has first molded the internal results.  
     Now with this blessed practice our thoughts shall become established. No longer do we toil for what we can see, but for Him in who we do not yet see.  A peace and tranquility fills the anxious mind of the one who commits all they do to God and places faith in His ability.  "Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."