Monday, March 7, 2011

Pierced Hands

Pierced Hands

Luke 24:5-51  And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.  And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.

     Christian, imagine today if you will this marvelous sight as beheld by the disciples.  Those precious hands of the Savoir, lifted to bless, as He began His ascent into Heaven to be received of the Father.  The disciples were first taken to a personal place, a small town of Bethany.  It is here that the Lord decided to make His departure into Heaven.  Bethany was not the center of any splendor, except that the Lord was there.  Yet it was Bethany that was chosen; so a lesson is born: we must get with God in secret before we have proper things to say in public.  Find Bethany, and there find the Lord!
     But think now of this, those wonderful hands of the Savior which were lifted, were lifted to bless.  And so does God intend to bring blessings on the heads of His people.  These great hands were lifted to bless, because authority was given unto the Son to do just that.  These hands were lifted to bless by unloading to the disciples that wonderful work of going to the multitudes with the message of the Gospel.  The human duties to be entrusted to the disciples, in this regard, were a blessing to them.  Never could the Heavenly duties be transferred, because only Christ can be our great High Priest, and with those pierced hands He holds the office firmly.  Ah but the human duties to occupy until He comes.  So we see a great blessing given, the blessing that man may lead sinners to God through Christ.
     Imagine now this sight, as Christ raised His hands in ascension, the last glimpse of Him being His palms,  turned down towards the disciples, as His hands were raised.  The state of those hands, pierced, scarred where calvary had at one time left Him lifeless. But praise be to God He was not left that way!  Such a statement made without a word said when the scars of calvary are pondered upon.  Perhaps this served as a great reminder of what authority Christ had, who gave His life and He Himself took it back again.  Undoubtedly, these hands served as a sobering reminder of the great price which was paid for redemption.  How could the disciples forget such a sight?  These hands could be raised to bless because they were pierced for our sins!  And as these hands bought our pardon, they are the continued way of blessing for God's people.  We do not lean on the works of the law, our ability to control, or our character in right and wrong when dealing with besetting sin; rather, we come to these strong hands which are mighty enough to cover us in God's grace, and they alone lift us to our proper company in sonship.
     These hands, as the disciples well-knew, were the hands which would hold their future.  And so it is with us as well, Christian!  What mighty hands they are!  There is no circumstance too small or too great to place on those nail scarred hands!  These hands hold our earthly affairs and our eternal ones.  May we rejoice in the thought of such!
     Think now lastly on these thoughts regarding Christ's hands.  They are hands which eternally bear the proof of payment for the sins of mankind.  These mighty hands are they which grasped the arm of Peter and brought him up from the waters with his simple earnest exclamation of, "Lord save me!".  And so is it with us today, Christian!  These are the hands of the Master Carpenter, calloused from hard work; and they were hands which healed all who would come to Him.  These hands were they which were seen limp and lifeless after calvary, but vibrant and and full of life they were three days later!  These are the nail-printed hands which now knock on the hearts of men.  Does He knock on your heart with these hands?  Why would one ever deny such a loving Savior entrance?  Call on Him now as Peter did, "Lord save me!".   Christian, do these hands knock in an area of life in which you will not let Him reign?  Throw open the door and allow Him access now!  For these hands are gentle and loving, and they shall never lead thee wrong.