Wednesday, January 29, 2014

To Build or To Stumble?

1Peter 2:6-8
      Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confoundedUnto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
     There is a Chief Corner Stone which God has laid in Zion, and it is the Lord Jesus Christ.  He lies in the path of every man who lives and all arrive at Him.  Unto the unlearned He is the Maker evidenced in creation.  Unto the informed He is the only way to God and everlasting life.  He is, however, in the road of every life; and He must be dealt with.
    According to Jewish tradition and history, some of the builders of the temple had made a terrible mistake in the construction of it.  As the stones were being brought and ordered from the rock quarry, the first to be delivered was the corner stone.  The corner stone is what locks everything in place and is the stone upon which all other measurements are taken, similar to the cap of a pyramid.  The stone was laid in place and was different from the rest.  After being placed, the builders unaware, removed it.  It was in the way and just something to trip over.  The corner stone was then discarded.  After the arrival of many more materials they were ready to start construction.  The Jews sent to the rock quarry for the corner stone, only to be informed that it had already been sent.  Alas, the most important thing was not recognized for what it was and discarded.  So have the Jews done with Christ.  They shall send for the Messiah only for God to reveal He has already been sent and rejected.

     What will you do with this Chief Cornerstone?  Will Jesus be the One whom you will build the bricks of your life upon?  Or will you think this, He is simply in my way, therefore I must discard Him as He spoils all my sinful fun?  Once He is in the rightful place we can then build a little here and a little there.  Line upon line and brick upon brick becomes our pattern.  When He is in place every other area of life measures out correctly.  We observe an area of our life and say, "I will embrace this principle that proceeds from Christ."  Our marriages then are more joyful, and our children are more loved and correctly taught as we measure out our family from His teachings.  Our work becomes more diligent and our hands more fruitful as we obey in areas of industry.  Our souls rest peacefully and assured as our faith grows in seeing blessings from obedience to His word.  He can give us all these wonderful treasures now, all the while sculpting a service that brings rewards in Heaven also.  Yes, all this is ours! We must only have Christ as the Chief Conerstone! Set Him as the foundation of all you do, and you may then begin to measure out all the correct placements of your life in His Word.  Will you build on Christ, or stumble on Him?