Monday, April 25, 2011

Envious unto Destruction

Envious unto Destruction

Proverbs 24:1- 2 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.  For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.

     Why would we ever be envious of evil men?  As the blackberry in the back of the thorn bush, satan always tempts us that even though its path is through briers, that furthermost berry is better.  Alas, we soon find that the self-inflicted travail was not to a better end, but rather a tormented road needlessly traveled.  So often we fall to the thoughts of greener grass on the other side, but remember this today believer: God has made us to lie in the green pastures and this is according to His infallible Word.  What has the sinner to offer you?  Surely how senseless it would be to partake of this self-destruction.  To even be with the evil man is to take damage to your very soul, for you will learn his ways.  Cast off now that penchant to search out what is seen to be a life of mirth.  It is all vanity, said the wise man Solomon.  What may be seen is not nearly as relevant as what cannot be seen in such a case.  Look in the sinner's heart; and if you could, the lying pictures of joy pasted on his outward appearance would be in drastic contrast to their true feelings within.  Where is his joy?  Where is his security?   Where is his peace?  In Christ we find all these things and more, but to the sinner they are lacking.  What of his rioting in excess?  Does it not appear well to him?  Believer, if you could only but for a second take a revealing look into his soul, you would find the thunders of life's storms raging by the fuel of hate, envy, and sinfulness.  Look now to his end: he studies destruction, and truly by his very ways destruction is brought unto him by his very own doings.  Even in all this, still evil men cannot leave destruction to themselves, they lay these certain troubles at the feet of others to pass on misery and despair.  Make a rebuke at such a thought that would entice you today believer to try the ways of sin.  Their end is clear, and recorded, their joy is far removed.  Rather look now unto Christ, who in Himself, has offered to all the free gifts and blessings of God.  Why would you bring yourself now to seek out your own destruction when Christ is so near?  Let not our eyes deceive us, and let not our hearts turn us when it is beckoned by the nature of the flesh.  Evil men have nothing of value to offer to the saints, for Christians are supplied by the wealth of Heaven.  Desire not to be with evil men, but turn your desires to be with Christ!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Assurance of a True Gospel

The Assurance of a True Gospel

1 Thessalonians 1:5  For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. 

     Dear believer, what a wonderful thought that our Gospel is validated by the God of Heaven!  For we received not the wonderful message of Christ by Word only but by the Holy Spirit and His confirmation.  Remember now the day of your conversion; did not the Gospel come unto you in power and much assurance that its truth was the way of eternal life?  It was the Spirit of God that turned your soul unto the Savior, with much power, convincing you of the reality of sin, hell, and your need for the Savior.  How remarkable that this confrontation with God was one that lead to your own salvation.  God by His Spirit wrestled with our souls about our eternal state, and we allowed Him to win that battle, thus securing our eternal destiny forever in Christ!  What great validation by God that the Gospel is true!  God in our spirit has met us personally and how real Christ became that day!  What power came by the Holy Ghost to convince you to turn to Christ!  What a wonderful seal of approval God placed on the Gospel, that His own presence would bear witness to its truth!  What assurance falls now to our heart that we preach a true Gospel!  Just as real as Christ was that day, so is He just as real to thee now, dear believer.  Do you feel just as assured now, as then, that you serve a real and living God?  I trust you feel assured that you serve a true a living God.  He that cometh to God must believe that He is God and a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  We must have no doubt of the truth of the Gospel and hold it in much assurance.  If we trust without reservation, then we can progress to have joy without reservation.  But first we must have a deeper faith in the reality of the Gospel, as we had on the day of our conversion; then we will have a deeper faith to trust what He is doing in our lives now!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Constraining Christ

Constraining Christ

Luke 24:28 - 29 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further. But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them. 

Song of Solomon 3:4  It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me. 

     Solomon is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in this written Scripture.  How his beloved sought for him tirelessly until she found him!  Oh that the bride of Christ should search just as tirelessly for their groom, who cares more to be found than any other!

     Christ made as though He would have gone further to these wondering Believers, according to Luke's gospel, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  What wonderful insight these had, who not yet knowing they were talking to the risen Lord, constrained Him to stay.  O believer, in doctrine the child of God shall never be severed from the bliss of eternal sonship, but shall you sell your blessings short of their full potential while you live?  What of the blessed presence of God upon thy life?  How void are most without the anointing of God, and they seem very satisfied to be in this state.  Look fervently to the example set by the beloved of Solomon in this passage of holy Scripture.  Have you sought for Christ today?  Believer, can you say, "Today I have found the presence of the Lord."?  Have you sought Him near and far on the wings of great desire to be with Him?  Ride upon this impulse now to search for His presence, for it is He who is drawing you gently by those chords of love strumming in your softened heart.  Is His blessed presence made tangible to you?  Search and search again! for His Spirit draws you to Him!  
     "At last, I have found Him!" you say.  Then hold Him, tightly, and make no allowance to let Him go.  Did not even Jacob wrestle with the Lord until a blessing was brought upon his head?  How soon many that meet with Christ often fail to constrain Him, and His blessed presence leaves for the one who will.  Was the church at Ephesus not warned in Revelation that unless they returned to their first love, He Himself should remove the candlestick, their loveless church, out of its place?  Oh carnal churches that have left your  first love, you have not a church but a social gathering if it be that Christ is not in your midst.  Find Christ and hold Him close!  
     Now bring Christ with you, dear Believer.  Bring Him to worship with you.  Christ lives in the hearts of men, yet how often we gather in a Spiritless building expecting Christ to be there.  Nay, Christ lives not in blocks of wood but the tabernacles of our souls.  The Spirit of Christ must arrive at church through the saints' for we are temple of the Holy Spirit.  Find Him on Sunday, then bring the Lily of the Valley with you to worship.  Replace the spirit of slothfulness with the Spirit of Christ in our service.  Bring Him with you on your daily discourse.  Others may never see the compassion God wishes to have on their lives if we allow not the Spirit of Christ to use our hands and our lives.  Bring Christ with you in times of trouble, for certainly the Rose of Sharon will sort all things according to the will of God!  Do you bring Him wherever you go?  If you say no, then depart quickly and search for Christ even now!  Do not think it a strange thing that on occasion we leave Him, for didn't Jesus' own parents travel a half a days journey without Him and knew it not?  Verily, they did, but not able to remain without their Savior, running they drew near the point of departure and found their blessed Child there.  At what point we leave Him, there He will be, waiting willingly and patiently for the return of His bride who is searching for His presence.  Find Christ now; hold Him close to thee, then let others see you have brought Him with you.  


Saturday, April 16, 2011

God Cares for You

God Cares for You

Proverbs 15:11  Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men? 

     Let there be no more doubt in your wondering mind, God cares for you!  And there is not one who is excluded from this love!  Think now of our omniscient God, how He sees all, and is ever aware.  There is not a beach that lies upon the boundaries of the waters that God has not numbered it's sandy grain.  No galaxy reaches farther than His span, and every atom of the body is monitored tirelessly in every person.  Every destruction and progressing force, God has known its secrets before the foundations of its terrain were laid.  These are things before the eyes of God and never out of His mighty control.  Now think of this wonderful thought: you are in the thoughts of God.  "How much more then the hearts of the children of men?" our text reads.  It is a true thing, even today, your heart is always before the Lord.  And how precious the condition of your heart is to Him, dear believer!  To think, that of all the events of the world (which many are held in great importance) God even more keeps our heart before Him!  Do you feel alone today my friend?  God will lend His full attention to thee!  Have sorrows compassed you about and no man can understand the deep things of your soul?  God cares you.  Is there a particular burden, or many, that life has dealt to you, and you feel as you would faint?  God cares for you.  We should cling mightily to this uplifting thought: if God cares for us, then who can bring us down?  Take now a heavenly look, you who have shifted your focus on the world.  Troubles may come, but God has regarded the state of your heart!  There is a place to turn if you doubt the love of God for you, and God awaits you there with open hands, hands filled with love and healing.  Precious ointments awaiting to be freely handed to the longing saint.  It is here with God the wounded believer may be decorated by the ornaments of grace, and be seen blessed openly as a child of the King.  Who does it seem may discredit you today?  Could it be your own heart selling you lies concerning your value to God?  Christ has redeemed you, and words fail to manifest better news!  Embrace this love today God has for you!  Evermore hold it firm and always keep it before thee!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How Do We Distinguish a Good Church from a Poor One?

How Do We Distinguish a Good Church from a Poor One?

Galatians 5:22-23  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, v23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 

     How may we know, as we look around in the world today, if a church is a good one?  We see an over abundance of buildings that call themselves churches; are they all doing the will of God from the heart?  Is it by the structure and elegance that presents itself upon the face of a multi-million dollar facility that makes the church a good one?  What is it  that separates the great from the dreadful?  All too many people look for the wrong things in finding a place of worship. We may by God's word however distinguish the differences that are present in a God empowered church, and a lifeless, barren one.
     There must be evidence of the fruit of the Spirit.  These are the things produced by the presence of God when He moves in our midst.  Love and joy shall be to the Christian who is surrounded by godly people.  Even to the sinner and the backslider, upon repentance, the fruit of the Spirit shall rest upon his soul.  They shall trade in the conviction pulling on their heart caused of sin, and supplant it with the gentleness and goodness of grace.  In a God-empowered church there must be evidence of the true teachings of Christ.  His Gospel and faith in Him alone must be the triumphant theme of the church!  Let us make no mistake, God will not manifest Himself in pleasure if another Gospel, which there is none other, is preached.  Travail shall be to them, not the sweet presence of God!  "What if a church stir my emotions?"  you may ask.  It is well if they can, but does not even Hollywood do that at their will?  It is rather the fruit of the Spirit we must have to be a God-driven church.  We are by nature are an emotional people, but we are not by nature a spiritual one, unless the grace of God has found our soul.  
     The church ought to be about spiritual things; and if so, how shall we have a spiritual understanding if the Spirit of God is not in our midst?  We must be a church where God's Spirit meets with us! It is God who enlightens our understanding of all things spiritual.  It is in the church we meet together for corporate worship and the preaching of the Word of God to nourish our souls.  In this time of meeting the same great evidence of a good church is found in the preaching.  It is filled with the fruit of the Spirit.  Do you feel now Christian, the love of God in the heart of the preacher?  Is God using joy of the saints to show you a difference from the world?  We may beg God that this is so, for where the Spirit is, His fruit will be also.  
     Christian, check now your own heart.  Is it so hard that much temperance has been had towards you and you have not seen it?  It may be a hard heart that causes us not to detect the workings of God.  Grieving of the Spirit often causes blindness to what is so clear to others.  If it be that you live in altogether sin then do not expect to receive the things of God with understanding.  Conviction may be your lot, and what a good lot it is.  God only seeks to edify His people for their own good!  Be in great care now not to take your church's warnings as soured milk, for we must all except the Spirit's call or reject it. What we do with God's dealings in our hearts will ultimately make us what we are by our own choosing.  
     May the very presence of God meet with His people!  A great crowd does not determine a good church, but rather a holy crowd.  A Spirit-filled church must be one whose people seek the Lord.  They come to their place of attendance with an attitude of "we must have God or else nothing will do."  Let us be Spirit-filled; for church is to be about the things of God.  Worldly things may be attended to within worldly affairs.  May we let the church be the church, for what a great church it is, for ourselves, our spouses, our children, and all others, if it be a church that is evident of holding the fruit of the Spirit! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Precious Blood of Christ

The Precious Blood of Christ

Ephesians 2:13  But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

     How close we can be to God through the eternal blood of His Son, Christ Jesus.  Are you far and astray today?  The blood shed on the cross of Calvary can make you nigh unto God.  Is there a sin to dark to keep a sinner from the love of God?  Nay, not one can be mentioned that will cause Christ to turn away a repentant sinner.  Oh the wonders of this precious blood which was sprinkled on Heavens mercy seat for an eternal cleansing to all who claim it!  Try to think now of the wonders of this blood, and truly only try we will, for neither tongue nor mind can adequately express the magnitude of the blessings that are found within.  It is our ransom, the price paid that God excepts fully for our redemption!  Heaven is entered by this blood, and hell is forever escaped by it.  We, who were all at one point as sheep gone astray, are reconciled to the God of Heaven by Christ and His blood.  And wonderful news there is yet beyond this: this same blood keeps us in the love of God forever!  Never are merits and rituals needed to draw us close to God, rather only the blood will do such a thing.  Never a good work shall cause us to gain righteous favor, yet through this blood we are all seen not just as  righteous, but as the righteousness of God!  Wonderful thought of divine joy: despite my failure, sin, shortcomings, and inadequacies, through the blood of Christ I am more than a conqueror over these things!  Believe this in your life Christian and let it encourage you today.  Now to the Saint who needs assistance, for his life must needs be turned back to the ways of Heavenly direction; let not the accuser burden you with the thought that you are worthless.  For all of mankind would be in this state if we lived on our own tab.  Rather, follow this Biblical pattern: stand now to your feet; a righteous man falleth seven times yet rises again.  It is in the blood if Christ that he has found that liberty.  It is not liberty to sin without remorse at will, but rather liberty to repent and be in perfect standing with God.  Observe this closely now: we are made nigh by the blood of Christ, so the text says; therefore do not think you must earn, work, or wait to obtain your way back into usefulness and joy.  We rest in the grace of God touching this matter, repent and leave it on Christ's shoulder.  Set your labors on the Great Commission reaching others, not upon a thing God has already worked out in full at Calvary.  See your life in shipwreck and turmoil?  Plead then the blood, for nothing else can draw us close to God, and never a time can or will God reject this plea.  He has bound Himself to this remarkable decree by His holy and unchangeable Word.  We are made close by the blood!  What a powerful blessing to forget past follies and draw nigh to God!  We are made close by the blood!  How amazing beyond human words that the partition of sin is broken down, and we may now commune with the Creator of Nature and Earth!  Realize now this blessing, and take not for granted this wonderful verse God has given to help His people, we are made nigh unto God by His blood!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Careful to Maintain Good Works

Careful to Maintain Good Works

Titus 3:8  This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.

      A great exhortation is found in the scripture for those who have believed in God and trusted Christ as Savior.  Be ever mindful Christian to maintain good works.  What a command of great proportion!  So great it was, that Paul took the necessity to instruct his protégé Titus to teach the church to do just that!  What an emphasis on good works, serving the Lord; and if there is a great emphasis, what then Biblically are good works?  Certainly they are not merit to pay for our Heavenly airfare, only Christ can do that; and do that He has by His cross; reconciling people to God; all who will come unto Him!  Rather than payment, good works are an outward act of love and obedience towards God.  It is faith with works, a mixture that God requests from His people.  Your various labors may take the form of good works.  One may spend hours on bended knee, while another trims the grass of the church's meeting place.  One may donate to the poor, and yet another may visit the sick and feeble to uplift their spirit!  However the method, we are all required to serve God with works pleasing to the Savior.  Why is it that we are to be constantly affirmed of such a duty?  Let nature itself be our teacher: have you not struggled today Christian in seeing the hidden needs of others?  Have you lived the past hours placing the needs of yourself abase and tearfully tending to the care of others?  What trouble we have often times as God's people in maintaining an eye that diligently looks for opportunity to do good!  So troublesome this mindset is to our flesh, that God in His infinite wisdom made it a commandment: maintain good works.  Oh glorious blessing the commandment is!  As a commandment we shall seek to obey more than if such a thing were left to ourself.  What then of the constantly affirming?  Saint, is it not day by day our souls seek to cheat the God of Heaven?  Do we not hold the world at times in higher regard by giving carnal things first place in our heart?  Then of a surety, as we must daily commit our souls to the Savior for help in living close and holy, we must also daily be encouraged to look for opportunity to do good to others.  Christian, roll this suggestion over in thy mind now until it blooms into the desired thought that we seek: good works show others our Christianity.  Christ is not in flesh among us to go about doing good; are we not here to occupy in His stead?  Others may see our example and thereby be willing to hear the Word of God as they see it working effectually in our life.  Are good works not productive?  Do your daily chores and labor not produce?  Daily labor and chores do produce a desired result, so we may also expect the work of God to produce positively when we are about it!  That produced of good works shall bring eternal profit, in your life, and in the life of others.  Let us not forget this thought from Biblical principle: others shall be pointed in the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ by our good works!  

Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Turn Your Job from Dread to Joy

How to Turn Your Job from Dread to Joy

Eph 6:5-8  Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

      How have you started your Monday, Christian?  Have you fallen in the rut of joy on Sunday and misery on Monday through Friday?  Let us deal with this now, for it is a great portion of our life that we spend at our place of employment.  Work is the perfect and divine plan of our Heavenly Father.  It is a necessary means for all men whether they be saved or lost.  It is curious why so many Christians spend such little time in maintaining a part of their life that they spend so much time involving themselves in.  Even so, let us think of this though, work does not have to be a dreadful thing we despise upon waking every day.  It is well spoken to say there will be days in which we may be worn, sick, or stressed with a special burden, and in these rest is well desired.  However, the child of God need not attend every day in despair and drudgery for the desire of God to His people is great joy and labor a part of His plan.  What example have we in this Biblically?  There is creation; God worked and rested on the Sabbath.  It is God who planted a garden in Eden, and it was Adam who was placed there to attend to it.  Ponder this thought today, Christian: Adam was instructed to keep the garden (Gen 2:8) before the curse of sin.  So we see then work is not the curse, but rather thorns and the sweat of the brow from hard labor are man's curse.  For our sake was the ground cursed, for our own good God did this.  It was urgent that man stay busy and not idle considering the temptation of satan.  Oh wicked man that I am to view work, the plan of God, as a burden, for His commandments are not those that cause grief!  It is the fallen nature in us that causes us to view all things spiritual as dreadful, and work is in no way different.  We are not to say a person who has labored long and hard will not thirst for the rest his body needs at the quiting hour. Rather it is the attitude of how we view the idea of work that the people of God need to address.  How is your spirit today, Saint, in the work place?  Shall you say it holds up well in pleasing God?  Work is a means to provide for ourselves.  We labor (Prov 16:26) because we have a need in life.  Food must be gathered and bills must be paid.  It is our duty to meet our needs by work, and as well the needs of others who cannot labor (Eph 4:28).  It is a godly thing to help those who cannot help themselves, and it should be our joy and pleasure to do so.  May we discern this wisely, for if they are well and able to work, it is a sin to even feed such a one in a time of hunger because of their idleness (2 Thess 2:10)!  If we do not support them and their lack of self motivation (that is not to say we do not try to win them and disciple them), then it will be very soon that they will find a job.  God's people must not think it a righteous thing to support the lazy, though it is our joy to support the truly disabled.

     Christian, now observe these principles and from them serve in joy at your place of employment.  See our text:  If God has graced your life with a job given to you by His eternal hand, stay in this blessing.  In doing so, you are acting in a part of the will of God for your life.  "What of the most mundane of jobs?" you may ask.  Even they, from arrival to departure, are placing you where God would have you be at that time, so as long as you are not there on the Lord's day.  Your employer, Christian, is commanded of God to regard such a day for you, and if they do not, bring it to God, and He will plead your cause!  Every day is a God-given opportunity! Truly, in each day there lies the grandest of opportunities to please God and show Christ to others around us.  Working hard is pleasing in the eyes of God, and a great example to those who see us daily.  What a perfect stage God has set for us to perform work willingly in our place of labor.  Tell me now, Saint, have you submitted to the proper things of work as Christ became obedient and submitted unto the cross?  Is your labor as such that others know you are dependable and productive?  Have you shown a good report to all by arriving at the appointed time to start the day?  Have you separated yourselves from the filthiness of dirty talk and gossip about others?  Do you steal a great amount of time from your employer by dealing with the slack hand of slothfulness?  Do you support openly your boss, or do you join in talk of how they govern poorly when the notion is undeserving?  Do you answer your employer in anger or gentle submission?  We should always yield unless the thing submitted would disobey God in its action, for we ought to obey God rather than man.  Temper yourself now to muse on this wise: if work be the will of God, then we must presume doing the will of God earns us eternal rewards.  What a perspective altering thought! our labor in the week to come shall earn us Heavenly rewards! This is a double blessing to the Saints, nay rather a triple blessing! If we grace our place of employment Spirit-filled we have entered it with great joy, earned payment for our labor, and gained eternal rewards! May we now think even more positively of work!  Work is a gift of God to man, and great rewards and privileges may we earn  thereby!