Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Precious Blood of Christ

The Precious Blood of Christ

Ephesians 2:13  But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

     How close we can be to God through the eternal blood of His Son, Christ Jesus.  Are you far and astray today?  The blood shed on the cross of Calvary can make you nigh unto God.  Is there a sin to dark to keep a sinner from the love of God?  Nay, not one can be mentioned that will cause Christ to turn away a repentant sinner.  Oh the wonders of this precious blood which was sprinkled on Heavens mercy seat for an eternal cleansing to all who claim it!  Try to think now of the wonders of this blood, and truly only try we will, for neither tongue nor mind can adequately express the magnitude of the blessings that are found within.  It is our ransom, the price paid that God excepts fully for our redemption!  Heaven is entered by this blood, and hell is forever escaped by it.  We, who were all at one point as sheep gone astray, are reconciled to the God of Heaven by Christ and His blood.  And wonderful news there is yet beyond this: this same blood keeps us in the love of God forever!  Never are merits and rituals needed to draw us close to God, rather only the blood will do such a thing.  Never a good work shall cause us to gain righteous favor, yet through this blood we are all seen not just as  righteous, but as the righteousness of God!  Wonderful thought of divine joy: despite my failure, sin, shortcomings, and inadequacies, through the blood of Christ I am more than a conqueror over these things!  Believe this in your life Christian and let it encourage you today.  Now to the Saint who needs assistance, for his life must needs be turned back to the ways of Heavenly direction; let not the accuser burden you with the thought that you are worthless.  For all of mankind would be in this state if we lived on our own tab.  Rather, follow this Biblical pattern: stand now to your feet; a righteous man falleth seven times yet rises again.  It is in the blood if Christ that he has found that liberty.  It is not liberty to sin without remorse at will, but rather liberty to repent and be in perfect standing with God.  Observe this closely now: we are made nigh by the blood of Christ, so the text says; therefore do not think you must earn, work, or wait to obtain your way back into usefulness and joy.  We rest in the grace of God touching this matter, repent and leave it on Christ's shoulder.  Set your labors on the Great Commission reaching others, not upon a thing God has already worked out in full at Calvary.  See your life in shipwreck and turmoil?  Plead then the blood, for nothing else can draw us close to God, and never a time can or will God reject this plea.  He has bound Himself to this remarkable decree by His holy and unchangeable Word.  We are made close by the blood!  What a powerful blessing to forget past follies and draw nigh to God!  We are made close by the blood!  How amazing beyond human words that the partition of sin is broken down, and we may now commune with the Creator of Nature and Earth!  Realize now this blessing, and take not for granted this wonderful verse God has given to help His people, we are made nigh unto God by His blood!