Monday, April 18, 2011

Constraining Christ

Constraining Christ

Luke 24:28 - 29 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further. But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them. 

Song of Solomon 3:4  It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me. 

     Solomon is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in this written Scripture.  How his beloved sought for him tirelessly until she found him!  Oh that the bride of Christ should search just as tirelessly for their groom, who cares more to be found than any other!

     Christ made as though He would have gone further to these wondering Believers, according to Luke's gospel, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  What wonderful insight these had, who not yet knowing they were talking to the risen Lord, constrained Him to stay.  O believer, in doctrine the child of God shall never be severed from the bliss of eternal sonship, but shall you sell your blessings short of their full potential while you live?  What of the blessed presence of God upon thy life?  How void are most without the anointing of God, and they seem very satisfied to be in this state.  Look fervently to the example set by the beloved of Solomon in this passage of holy Scripture.  Have you sought for Christ today?  Believer, can you say, "Today I have found the presence of the Lord."?  Have you sought Him near and far on the wings of great desire to be with Him?  Ride upon this impulse now to search for His presence, for it is He who is drawing you gently by those chords of love strumming in your softened heart.  Is His blessed presence made tangible to you?  Search and search again! for His Spirit draws you to Him!  
     "At last, I have found Him!" you say.  Then hold Him, tightly, and make no allowance to let Him go.  Did not even Jacob wrestle with the Lord until a blessing was brought upon his head?  How soon many that meet with Christ often fail to constrain Him, and His blessed presence leaves for the one who will.  Was the church at Ephesus not warned in Revelation that unless they returned to their first love, He Himself should remove the candlestick, their loveless church, out of its place?  Oh carnal churches that have left your  first love, you have not a church but a social gathering if it be that Christ is not in your midst.  Find Christ and hold Him close!  
     Now bring Christ with you, dear Believer.  Bring Him to worship with you.  Christ lives in the hearts of men, yet how often we gather in a Spiritless building expecting Christ to be there.  Nay, Christ lives not in blocks of wood but the tabernacles of our souls.  The Spirit of Christ must arrive at church through the saints' for we are temple of the Holy Spirit.  Find Him on Sunday, then bring the Lily of the Valley with you to worship.  Replace the spirit of slothfulness with the Spirit of Christ in our service.  Bring Him with you on your daily discourse.  Others may never see the compassion God wishes to have on their lives if we allow not the Spirit of Christ to use our hands and our lives.  Bring Christ with you in times of trouble, for certainly the Rose of Sharon will sort all things according to the will of God!  Do you bring Him wherever you go?  If you say no, then depart quickly and search for Christ even now!  Do not think it a strange thing that on occasion we leave Him, for didn't Jesus' own parents travel a half a days journey without Him and knew it not?  Verily, they did, but not able to remain without their Savior, running they drew near the point of departure and found their blessed Child there.  At what point we leave Him, there He will be, waiting willingly and patiently for the return of His bride who is searching for His presence.  Find Christ now; hold Him close to thee, then let others see you have brought Him with you.