Careful to Maintain Good Works
Titus 3:8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.
A great exhortation is found in the scripture for those who have believed in God and trusted Christ as Savior. Be ever mindful Christian to maintain good works. What a command of great proportion! So great it was, that Paul took the necessity to instruct his protégé Titus to teach the church to do just that! What an emphasis on good works, serving the Lord; and if there is a great emphasis, what then Biblically are good works? Certainly they are not merit to pay for our Heavenly airfare, only Christ can do that; and do that He has by His cross; reconciling people to God; all who will come unto Him! Rather than payment, good works are an outward act of love and obedience towards God. It is faith with works, a mixture that God requests from His people. Your various labors may take the form of good works. One may spend hours on bended knee, while another trims the grass of the church's meeting place. One may donate to the poor, and yet another may visit the sick and feeble to uplift their spirit! However the method, we are all required to serve God with works pleasing to the Savior. Why is it that we are to be constantly affirmed of such a duty? Let nature itself be our teacher: have you not struggled today Christian in seeing the hidden needs of others? Have you lived the past hours placing the needs of yourself abase and tearfully tending to the care of others? What trouble we have often times as God's people in maintaining an eye that diligently looks for opportunity to do good! So troublesome this mindset is to our flesh, that God in His infinite wisdom made it a commandment: maintain good works. Oh glorious blessing the commandment is! As a commandment we shall seek to obey more than if such a thing were left to ourself. What then of the constantly affirming? Saint, is it not day by day our souls seek to cheat the God of Heaven? Do we not hold the world at times in higher regard by giving carnal things first place in our heart? Then of a surety, as we must daily commit our souls to the Savior for help in living close and holy, we must also daily be encouraged to look for opportunity to do good to others. Christian, roll this suggestion over in thy mind now until it blooms into the desired thought that we seek: good works show others our Christianity. Christ is not in flesh among us to go about doing good; are we not here to occupy in His stead? Others may see our example and thereby be willing to hear the Word of God as they see it working effectually in our life. Are good works not productive? Do your daily chores and labor not produce? Daily labor and chores do produce a desired result, so we may also expect the work of God to produce positively when we are about it! That produced of good works shall bring eternal profit, in your life, and in the life of others. Let us not forget this thought from Biblical principle: others shall be pointed in the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ by our good works!