Righteousness in Him
Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Why do you sorrow for today, Christian? Has sin put you into a great despair? Know Christ and know freedom from this dreadful curse, for Christ has redeemed you! Truly repentance is accepted in the eyes of God when His children weep for sorrow. Weep; then let us quickly move on! For the most holy infallible Scripture has stated we are made the righteousness of God in Him! There is no condemnation to the child of God, for we are seen as perfect in our Father's eyes. We are seen as though we had never sinned. Yet even better are we than if we had never sinned! For we would be robed in the righteousness of a perfect man if that were our state. But we are robed in the righteousness of God. A divine garment given to us through Christ. And how much better is the righteousness of God than of man! So we are seen as perfect in God's eyes because we were made the righteousness of Christ. If God cannot condemn us, then how can man? If God cannot condemn us, then how can satan? Or how can you condemn yourself by penance? So pick up yourself today, Christian! For the day will dawn when we shall be like Christ in body; yet today, while we are living in this flesh, we may know our Father views us as already perfect. For the transaction of salvation is done! It is settled! We are God's, and He will not condemn His elect! Boldly then enter the throne room of God and settle yourself in deep communion. For Christ has taken what we deserve, wrath and death on the cross, being made sin for us; and we have taken what Christ deserves, the riches of sonship in the family of God! Oh that we would realize the power given us as sons of God!
May we not use this liberty as an occasion to live unholy! For the goodness of God should lead thee to repentance. Move forward, for as while you have not kept the law, Christ has; and we are made the righteousness of Christ!