Honest Delays
Ezra 4:24 Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.There are many things in life which we bring upon ourselves that slow us down in various aspects of life. May we never delay because of cowardness or indecision. However, various and sundry things are honest delays; set before us by God, who is seldom early when He intervenes in our affairs, but of a surety, never late.
What may be the purpose of these delays? Why would God slow us, or bring us to a sudden halt? Surely He knew of the circumstances when the work of rebuilding the temple came to a halt. The work stopped, then resumed by the word of the prophets.
I. Divine Protection
A. We may be plotting our own destruction
Proverbs 14:12 -There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
To save us from ourselves. It is often that man plots his own course without seeking the counsel of God. In this we exert great folly. Who can make plans without the counsel of God, not knowing the future? Or who dares to adventure forward hanging on the fragile string of life without the blessing of an Almighty God? Sadly, there are many of God's people who take on this mindset.
It is many a Christian who is hard-headed, and so much so that they continually push forward their ideas, plans, and paths not knowing where those paths will lead them. So times of delay which alter our plans and paths may be honest delays if the work or the timing does not meet the criteria of Christ. A delay from God may be to save us from ourselves!
*ILLUSTRATION* I remember as a child going of a particular vacation. Something came up in which we were delayed about five minuets after praying for safety. On our trip we came to a wreck where a semi truck had lost control and hit a car head on, causing serious injury. The wreck had happened five minuets before we got there. God had delayed us to protect us.
B. Delay may cause us to avoid sin and temptation.
Matthew 6:13- And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Delay in our life may be the blessing of a delivering God. It could be that God is trying to hide us from such a strong pull a particular temptation would have on us. The Lord instructed us to pray lead us not into temptation, and so, such a prayer may be fulfilled before us. Perhaps it is a delay to protect us from many kinds of temptation. Truly, delay of pure moral things may come, so that at a latter time when they are being fulfilled because of delay, it will deliver us from a temptation we face at that moment.
II. Divine Progression
A. We are delayed, because we are not able to bear it yet.
John 16:12- I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
There will be many things we can do later that we are not ready for now. If Israel had not been in the wilderness, then how would they be ready to face giants in Canaan? If David had not faced the lion and the bear, how then would he trust God for Goliath the giant? But be patient those who are zealous for the Lord! Your time of enabling will come! For He wants you in the battle worse than you desire to be there! Be patient Christian business man who is starting anew in the will of God, for God must build you in the wilderness to send you to Canaan! Oh be patient all who know the Lord; He will grow you then set you forth!
What baby is there that runs before he walks? What child is there that is able to chew before they take milk? So then nature itself teaches us that delay may be so that we can take on bigger things, stronger things, better things in the work of the Lord and in life!
B. Delay teaches us to remove our self-dependency.
Isaiah 40:31- But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
If we could do it ourselves we would. Often if things progressed as they should, we would manage them ourselves, robbing us of the help and blessings that God brings. What a sad state it is when men try to do spiritual work in the carnal flesh. The business of life often leaves us stripped of our time, causing us to short-change God instead of other areas which we could do better without. So God then may bring delay to us, so that we cannot progress without Him!
How soon we forget how we need Him. Embrace delay and seek Christ, for in so doing you shall receive maintenance from Heaven! How much better is the King's supply and effort than ours?!
III. Divine Purpose
A. To prepare the hearts of men
Acts 16:14- And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.
Sometimes God has work to be done in other people before you minister. It could be to the business man that God still must turn the hearts of the people in which you are dealing with. Delay may then come because God is working on the hearts of other men. God makes no man receive the Gospel, yet He offers it freely to all, and is such a loving God that He works on the hearts of men, to soften them, so that they by their own free will may choose to receive Christ. It is the decision that all must make- what they will do with Christ. If they will make Him their Saviour, or reject Him. Delay may be given to you because God is working on the hearts of others!
B. Your present course may not be finished, therefore you are delayed.
Luke 24:49- And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
It was not time to leave Jerusalem for the disciples, because their work was not yet done there. Many men try to leave a work before God had empowered them in it. Too many Christians leave the work of God before God has completed His plan with them there. Does God not prepare the heart of man to answer rightly with the tongue? Does God not equip man to handle the circumstances he may face? In all these things yes! So tarry in the will of God until He moves you.
Let not others move you, for adversaries to a holy man is a proof he is doing right. Let not fear put you to flight, for God has not given us the spirit of fear but the Spirit of His Son which cries ABBA FATHER, deeply and longingly unto God. Abba Father, as a child saying dad not father; Abba Father, a distress the Lord will surely hear, as every parent would hear the wailing of their beloved child. In all these things, tarry at Jerusalem!
IV. Divine Power
A. God may wish commune with us.
1Peter 5:7- Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
We have come to Christ and trusted Him with our souls, yet when we find ourselves under a burden we are carrying. Why would we not give ourselves over to the One who sees our load as but a speck or grain? Why would we crush under the pressure of life when God easily can carry it Himself for us? There is no good reason, we just oftentimes carry it ourself. Delay may come in our daily life to make time for God so He can comfort and commune with our souls where we have fallen short.
*ILLUSTRATION* Last year I remember being under a great burden of concern. At work my vehicle broke down and there was nothing I could do but wait for the wrecker which was about an hour behind. As I sat there, the Lord had me pull out my Bible. It was there God showed me in Scripture what I needed to encourage me in the work of the Lord. If only I had taken my burden to Him sooner! If only I had met with Him, not at a glance, but in heartfelt communion sooner! Oh that men would cast their cares upon the Lord. So we see then that delay may come so we may commune with the Lord!
B. There may be a Heavenly reason we don't know yet.
Isaiah 55:9- For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
There are some things that happen in life we may not know why God does them on this side of Heaven. We can know with all certainty that God loves us and does what is best for all of us. And what may seem odd now, when we get to Heaven we will look back and see that it was not patchwork in our lives, but great care, leading up to a higher purpose, and the saving of souls!
V. Divine Presence
A. Delay may be for us to stop and know He is God.
Psalms 46:10- Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
There may be no better reason for delay than so a saint can sit in the presence of God. We were created to fellowship with Him. How much time have you spent fulfilling that purpose this day? this week? this month? God may move Heaven and Earth to delay all things to bring one of His children to His feet for delight in them. As a parent are you so cold that you despise the presence of your children? Would you not have a great jealously over them if they showed favor to another more than you? Then we can expect the perfect Father to delight in the presence of His children. His love does extend far greater than ours! If we love our children, then how much more should the children of God expect delay until they commune with Him?
B. Delay so that we will enter into His courts.
Psalms 100:4- Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Have we thanked God today for our breath? Have we given praise to Him for eternal life in Jesus Christ? Have we made known our gratitude for our family and health? How then can we not expect things to crash in delay when we have not given praise. Truly if a man desires praise of himself it is a vain thing. Our Heavenly Father however is deserving, and will not and should not reject praise that will glorify His name. Have we entered His courts with praise? Does a father not delight in their children esteeming them higher than they really are? Then we should cover God (if it were possible to cover the one who created the universe with a span- arms length) with our praise. He is deserving and cannot be esteemed too high, for our mortal minds cannot apprehend the extensive greatness of our God.
Praise Him now, He is worthy.
Praise Him now, without delay.
Praise Him now, honor is due Him.
Praise Him now, or expect delay!