Head and Heart Disease
Isa 1:5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
A terrible disease has come unto the people God. It is one that affects the vital parts of God's children and has plagued them since sin has entered into the world by Adam in the fall. Many Christians are sick, and need healing from Christ.
1. Stiffed Necked People
Why should God correct us only to have us rebel with more zeal? It is God's obligation by His word to correct His sons or eventually remove them from the earth. Yet many test the patience of a patient God, not considering that in "forty days Nineveh shall be destroyed" (Jonah 3:4) and that (Gen 6:3) "God's Spirit shall not always strive with man, but his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." God may extend his long lasting mercy, yet judgment as sons must be given at some point, and this is never pleasant at the time.
A. God corrects us by His word.
B. God corrects us by His Spirit
C. God corrects us by warning messengers - These are the less harsh ways God may deal with us
D. God brings us into chastisement - trouble or pains meant to drive us to righteous living, emotional, financial, physical, ect.
E. God brings death - that a child of the Father will not live their whole life acting like satan
May we not over test the goodness of God, yes especially for long periods of time, for who knows when God (in His great love) may turn His hand against us in chastisement.
*Note - Let us be careful not to see every thing that happens to God's people as an act of judgment. Life is fragile, tires go flat, and life is full of problems!
2. Sickness of the Head
Many views of Christian people are as out of whack as the views of the world. As sons of God, we to be wise, and pinpoint how God views things, changing our philosophies to match what God says. Our thinking is distorted today, as in the days of Noah. Too many of God's people try to pick and choose what principles they wish to live by, and discard the ones they don't like. Too many Christians get subverted from the truths of the scripture, and do not hide His word in their heart, that they may not sin against God. We must then quickly re-examine our thinking. Is it based and influenced solely on scripture?
3. Faintness of the Heart
Where is the desire of Christians? Where is the strength of Christians? We must endeavor to be close to the Savior so that our desire may remain what it ought to be! We mus try as earnestly as we can to be close to the Savior so that the joy of the Lord may be our strength! Truly there is no heart problem that is unfix-able in the hands of the Savior. Php 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. The "will" of this verse is the desire, the heart problem, the "to do" is the power to act upon that desire. May we beg the Savior for desire, and then act upon it! May we commune with Him so we walk in the strength of the Spirit!
We must approach the Savior in every day, meet with Him, or else none shall have His holy Desires dominant in their lives. If they have not Christs desires, then their own corrupt desires will be driven and helmed by the flesh. Let us not be in rebellion to how God wants us to live! Let us take on Bible thinking, and live it, and let it govern our lives, and let us not be faint of heart, but rather be hungry for the things of God!